Here are some tried and tested accessories that make all the difference for your front door.
1. Door Stop
If your door opens onto a wall or even into an empty room, a substantial door stop that will actually hold your door and not end up on the other side of the room, is essential. There are a lot on the market, but if you want something contemporary definitely go for our 2kg door stop in black and stainless steel. Even a heavy door can bang onto the wall and damage the door or wall. Here is a picture to see how it looks in situ.

2. Doorbell
This doorbell is so slim and sophisticated you can just about see it on the door frame. It sure beats a boring white plastic one. Please keep in mind though that this particular one, still needs an actual doorbell connected to it, and is only the push button for the bell. You can see it on our website here and here is one in situ.

3. Door Mat
I don't know about you but if you are very house proud and like design, door mats are just annoying things that you have to have but never really fit in to any design. This door mat however (although) black can work in most interiors and looks is quite minimal considering it's colour.